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Partnerships with Parents

Children are most successful in school if school and home work together. Before children even start school they are invited to visit the Reception classes so that they can get to know the teachers. Throughout the Reception year there are regular opportunities for parents to meet with the teacher to discuss how they can help their child. 

Throughout school, parents are invited to consultations with their child's teacher twice yearly and further meeting can be set up as required. 

The children invite their parents into school to class worships and other special events such as concerts and exhibitions of work. 

Google Classroom was introduced in September 2020 to enable the teachers to post home learning for the children.  It has been a great platform for parents and teachers to share the children's successes and has brought families and school closer. 

As a parent at Whitchurch C E Primary School you are always welcome to get in contact with the class teacher if you have any concerns about your child. Please do not hesitate.